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FRONTIER AI: Bom Waktos? Pimpinan Dunya sareng Tech Titans Rapat Ngabahas Resiko

Intelijen jieunan industri pikeun Program Frontier - Mitra

- The latest buzzword in the realm of artificial intelligence, Frontier AI, has been causing a stir due to its potential threats to human existence. Advanced chatbots like ChatGPT have dazzled with their capabilities, but fears about the risks associated with such technology are escalating. Top researchers, leading AI companies, and governments are advocating for protective measures against these looming dangers.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is orchestrating a two-day summit on frontier AI at Bletchley Park. The event is set to draw around 100 officials from 28 nations including U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Executives from prominent U.S. artificial intelligence firms such as OpenAI, Google’s Deepmind and Anthropic will also be in attendance.

Sunak asserts that only governments can shield people from the hazards posed by this technology. However, he stressed that the U.K.'s strategy is not to hastily impose regulation despite identifying potential threats like using AI for crafting chemical or biological weapons.

Jeff Clune, an associate computer science professor at the University of British Columbia who specializes in AI and machine learning was among those urging for more government intervention in mitigating risks from AI last week — echoing warnings issued by tech tycoons like Elon Musk and Open

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